
Spring Time Skin Care

13th Mar 2012

OK, you just moved your clock forward an hour and the days are getting longer and temperatures begin to climb.

But while you are all giddy about spring time coming, it's also likely your skin is still crying out with the winter blues -- dry, scaly, rough, spots on heels, knees, and elbows as well as stressed- out, overheated, undernourished skin on your face and body.

If you have been taking care of your skin properly all winter with mineral bath salt soaks, continue to do so through the spring. Mineral bath soaks open up the pores and expel impurities in the skin. This will help people that suffer from skin ailments such as psoriasis and acne. Now that you have soaked for 20 minutes in a warm mineral bath, it’s time for step 2.

After you peel off the wool sweaters and the boots and soak in a mineral bath your neglected skin will be itching for a moisturizer that penetrates the skin and locks in moisture. Our Dead Sea mineral lotion does just that, and more. Not only does it lock in moisture but it also locks in 84 trace minerals found in our Dead Sea mineral products. Your legs, arms, feet, knees and elbows would greatly benefit from a relaxing serving of Dead Sea mineral lotion.

You can always go a step further for a full cleansing experience by using our Dead Sea mud masque which can be used for the face and body. This Dead Sea mud masque is applied to the face or body and allowed to dry. While the masque dries it pulls all of the toxins in the skin to the surface. This is the number one treatment done by spas, to clean the face of impurities and you can do it right in the comfort of your own home. Our Dead Sea mud is whipped with aloe-vera gel, and will totally pamper winter-beaten skin.

No, matter how you choose to refresh your skin for the spring be sure to keep up a steady regimen. Skin care is an on-going process that never takes a break. Your skin takes a daily beating and coming off a cold winter with a refreshing mineral bath salt soak, and mineral skin moisturizer thanks your skin for all of its hard work.